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Introduction to the Divine Will (Luisa Piccarreta) 1924

My loving Jesus, I am here in your arms to ask for your help. You know just how reluctant I feel about having to reveal everything you have told me about your most holy Will. You know the bitterness of my soul and how my heart bleeds because of this but obedience has imposed itself! You want me to do it; so, even though it tears me apart to do so, I am forced to make this sacrifice by a power from above. Just remember, my Jesus, it was You who called me the Little Newborn of your Most Holy Will. Now, a newborn baby barely knows how to babble. So, what am I going to do? I just will be able to babble about your Will. You will do all the rest, won’t you, O my Jesus?

Better yet, just make me completely disappear and let your Will be the one to dip the pen into this divine sun and write with divine and indelible strokes, describing in golden letters the concepts and effects, the strength and power of the most high Will. Let it tell about what happens to the soul that lives in your Will: how it is elevated and becomes divine by living in the center of your Will. How it leaves its own mortal remains and returns to its beginning, and having triumphed over its own weaknesses and shortcomings, how it reacquires its original state- beautiful, pure and ordered entirely towards its Creator, just as it was when it came forth from His creative hands.

Tell about how sad you were to see yourself rejected by creatures, who forced you to return into your own heavenly regions; and how, even though you were rejected, you continue to cast your rays upon the human family like the sun on high, because you want to come down to reign among them. So, send the rays of your longings, your sobbing and your tears, of your intense and eternal sorrow in seeing yourself exiled and your Will separated from the will of human creatures. That is why you are waiting for them to call you back down and receive you as their triumphant king: to make you reign on earth as you do in heaven.

O Will most high, come down upon the earth! I am the first to call You. Come to reign upon the earth! You created man only so that he would do your will, so come and unite this human will to yourself again, which man separated when he so ungratefully rebelled against you. Then heaven, earth, and all of creation will return to their proper place in You.

O how I would like to give my life so that your Will may be known! I would like to take off into its never-ending reaches to carry to every creature its eternal kiss, communicate to them its truths, bless them with its priceless possessions, manifest to them your indescribable longings to come to reign upon the earth, so that by knowing you, they will receive you with love, and celebrating your arrival, make you reign!

O Holy Will, let the arrows that will make you known, fly down upon your resplendent rays of light. Let everyone know that you have come to make us happy, not with a human happiness, but with a divine one. This will give us back the self-control that we lost and that light which allows us to know the true good so that we can possess it, and real evil so that we can escape it. This light will make us strong and stable with a divine strength and stability!

O Holy Will, let the Divine and human wills flow into one another, and with the brush of your creative hand, paint your divine qualities upon our souls that we lost when we left your Will. Your Will will paint us with that freshness that never grows old, that beauty that never fades, that light that never darkens, that grace that always grows, and that love which always burns and can never be put out.

O Holy Will, clear the way so that you can make yourself known to everyone. Reveal yourself and tell them who you are. Let them know about all the good you want to do for them, so that drawn and captivated by so much love, they can all let themselves be overcome and consumed by your Will. Then, you can freely reign on the earth as you do in heaven.

Therefore, I am asking you to please write down all the truths, which you have told me about your Will. Let every word, expression, effect, and truth about it be like darts and arrows that wound whoever reads them. Then, falling at your feet, that they may receive you with open arms to let you reign in their hearts.

In addition to the many miracles of your Will, work this one as well: that as they come to know you as you are, that they will not allow you to pass on, but will open themselves up to let you in and reign. The Little Newborn of your Will asks this of you. If you have made such a point about wanting me to make the sacrifice of letting the secrets out which you have given to me about your Will, then I want this one from you: that as your Will becomes known you will make this miracle come about – that your Will takes its place of triumph to reign in the hearts of those who know it. I just want this in return for my sacrifice: that your Will be known and reign with the fullness of its ruling authority.

My love, You know what a sacrifice I have made. You know about my interior struggles that took me to the point of feeling myself die but it was out of love for you and obedience toward your representative upon the earth, that I have submitted myself to everything. That is why I want such a great miracle from you in return. When they find out what you have said about your Will, let their souls be drawn to it like they would be to a powerful magnet, to remain absorbed in it and fixed on it, and so let that divine Fiat reign, which you, with so much love, want upon the earth.

My Life, would you please take the Little Newborn of your Will into the heavenly fatherland before these writings come out and get into the hands of our brothers and sisters? Please do not make me suffer this: do not let me stay here and watch other creatures get to know our secrets. Since you made me submit myself to the first sacrifice spare me the second; but in everything “Non mea voluntas sed tua Fiat” (Not my will but your Will be done).

Now, I would like to say a word to all of you who will read these writings. Please, I beg you to receive with love what Jesus wants to give you: his Will. However, in giving you his, he wants yours in return. Otherwise, his cannot reign. If you only knew how much love Jesus has for you, in wanting you to have the greatest gift that can exist both in heaven and on earth: his Will!

He cries so many bitter tears for you because he sees you dragging yourself along the ground, he sees how miserable and sickly you are, and he sees that it is all because you have been living by your own will. Why, you cannot even keep a good proposal to amend your ways! Do you know why? It is because his Will doe not reign in you.

Jesus really suffers and cries over your condition. He begs you as he sobs, to let his Will reign in you; he wants you healthy, not sick; wealthy, not poor; strong, not weak; immutable, not always changing; and kings, not slaves. He does not want impressive penances from you, long prayers, or anything else; he just wants his will to reign and your will to be lifeless.

So, please listen to him! I am ready to give my life for each one of you, to suffer whatever is necessary, but open up your souls so that the Will of my Jesus can reign and triumph in the human family.

Now I invite you all:

Come with me into Eden, where everything began for us. This is where the Supreme Being created man and in making him king, gave him a Kingdom to rule over. This kingdom was the entire universe. However, his scepter, crown and authority came from within the center of his soul, where the divine Fiat reigned as the ruling king. This is where man’s true royalty was: in the divine Fiat. He was clothed magnificently in garments more brilliant than the very sun. His acts were majestic and his beauty enchanting. God loved him so much. He played with him and called him “my little king and son.” There was only happiness, order and harmony.

This man, our forefather, betrayed himself and his kingdom. He saddened his Creator, who had raised him up so high and had loved him so much. He lost his kingdom: The Kingdom of the Divine Will, which contained everything he had been given. The doors of the Kingdom were closed and God took back his kingdom, which he had given to man.

Now I have to tell you a secret:

When God took back the Kingdom of the Divine Will, he did not say, “I will never give it back to man.” He just kept it on hold, waiting for the future generations to come, so that he could rain down surprising graces and blinding light on them, light so dazzling that it would eclipse that human will which made us lose such a holy kingdom. So, by drawing us back to himself with such glorious and overwhelming truths about His Divine Will, he makes us feel the necessity and the desire to put aside our human will, which makes us so unhappy, and cast ourselves into the Kingdom of the Divine Will, to live there forever.

So, take heart; the kingdom is ours! The highest Fiat is waiting for us. It is calling us and urging us to take possession of it. Who would be so cold-hearted, who would be so hardened as to ignore this call and not accept so much happiness? The only thing is, we will have to give up the miserable rags of our will, the black mourning veil of our slavery into which our will cast us, to be able to dress ourselves as queen souls and adorn ourselves with divine splendor.

Therefore, I am calling everyone: I cannot believe that you will not listen to me… Did you know that I am just a tiny little baby: the tiniest creature of all. And bilocating myself in the Divine Will together with Jesus I will come upon your lap as a little beggar; and crying and sobbing I will knock at the door of your heart to ask for your rags, your black mourning veil, your unhappy will. I want to give them to Jesus so that he can burn them all and give you his Will in return, and with it, its kingdom, its happiness, and the royal garment of its brilliant light.

If you only knew what Will of God means! It encloses heaven and earth. If we are with the Will of God everything is ours, everything revolves around us. On the contrary, if we are against it, then everything is against us and if we do have something, it is because we are really thieves of our Creator, supporting ourselves by means of fraud and theft.

So, if you want to know the Divine Will, read the volumes. In them, you will find the healing salve for the wounds, which the human will, has so cruelly brought upon us, a new and divine air to breathe, and a new and heavenly life to live. You will feel heaven in your soul. You will see new horizons, new suns, and often you will come upon Jesus with his face bathed in tears because he wants to give you his Will. He cries because he wants to see you happy and does not. Therefore, he sobs while praying and longing for his children’s happiness. He is asking you for your will so that he can take you out of your unhappiness, and he is offering you his own as a confirmation of the gift of his kingdom.

Therefore, I am calling everyone. I am calling together with Jesus with his very same tears, with his burning desires, with his heart consumed in love, who wants to give you his Fiat. We came from within his Fiat; it gave us life. So it is only fair, it is our duty and obligation to return into it: into our precious and never-ending inheritance.

First, I am calling the highest authority, the Roman Pontiff, His Holiness, the representative of the Holy Church and therefore the representative of the Kingdom of the Divine Will. This little child places this kingdom at his holy feet so that he will rule over it, make it known and call his children to live in such a holy kingdom with his fatherly and authoritative voice. May the sun of the Highest Fiat envelop him in itself and form the first sun of the Divine Will in its representative upon the earth.

Then, by forming its first place in he who is the head of them all, it will extend its unending rays throughout the world, and eclipsing everyone with its light, it will form one flock and one shepherd.

Secondly, I am calling all priests. Casting myself at the feet of each one, I beg them, and pray that they will concern themselves in knowing the Divine Will. Let it initiate your every movement and act. Better yet, enclose yourselves in the Fiat and you will feel the gentleness and purity of its life within you. Draw from it everything you do. You will feel a divine strength within you. You will hear a voice that continually speaks, telling you about incredible things which you have never heard before. You will sense a light that will eclipse all your evils; and eclipsing the people, it will give you ruling authority over them.

You wear yourself out in so much fruitless work, because you lack the life of the Divine Will. You have broken bread and given it to the people without the yeast of the Fiat. Therefore, in eating it, they have found it hard and almost impossible to digest. Since they do not feel life in themselves, they do not follow your teachings. So, eat this bread of the divine Fiat yourselves! Then you will have enough bread to give to the people and you will all form one life and one Will.

Thirdly, I am calling everyone, the entire world, you who are my brothers and sisters and children. Do you know why I am calling everyone? Because I want to give the life of the Divine Will to each of you. It is more than air that everyone can breathe. It is like a sun from which we can all receive the benefit of the light. It is like the heartbeat, which wants to beat in everyone. Being the little child that I am, I want and I long for everyone to take the life of the Fiat... If you knew how much good you would receive, you would even give up your life to make it reign in you!

This little child wants to share another little secret with you that Jesus has told her. I am telling you, so that you will give me your will, and in exchange, you will receive God’s own, which will make you happy in body and soul.
Do you want to know why the earth will not produce anything like it should? Or why in various parts of the world it often quakes and opens up to bury within itself entire cities and populations; or why the wind and water form storms that destroy everything; or why so many other bad things happen which you all know about? Because created things possess a Divine Will that dominates them. That is why they are powerful, commanding, and superior to us. We, on the other hand are dominated by a degraded human will, which has left us weak and powerless.

Do you want to know why the earth will not produce anything like it should? Or why in various parts of the world it often quakes and opens up to bury within itself entire cities and populations; or why the wind and water form storms that destroy everything; or why so many other bad things happen which you all know about? Because created things possess a Divine Will, which dominates them. That is why they are powerful, commanding, and superior to us. We, on the other hand are dominated by a degraded human will, which has left us weak and powerless. If we will only put out human will aside and embrace the life of the Divine Will, we too will be strong and dominating. We will be brothers with all created things; they will no longer be against us, but will allow us to rule over them. We will be happy in time and in eternity.

Aren’t you happy about this? So, get going! Listen to this poor little child who loves you; and I will be happy when I can say that all of my brothers and sisters are kings and queens because they all possess the life of the Divine Will.
Therefore, take heart everyone and answer my call. More than anything else, I want you to all respond to my call in one single voice, because I am not the only one who is calling and begging you. My loving Jesus is calling you together with me, in such a tender and moving voice; and so many times he even cries as he says, “Take my Will as life for yourselves; come into its kingdom.”

You should already know that the first person to pray to the heavenly Father that his kingdom come and that his Will be done on earth as it is in heaven was our Lord in the Our Father. Passing his prayer on to us, he called and begged everyone to ask that Fiat Voluntas Tua – Your Will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Now every time you pray the Our Father, Jesus, who has no greater desire than to give you his kingdom, his Fiat, is already there to join you in saying, “My Father, I am the one asking this on behalf of my children, so please hurry!”

Jesus is really the first one to pray for the kingdom, and then you are praying for it together with him, in the Our Father. So, don’t you want to see this take place?

Now, let me leave you with this last thought: Being the little child that I am, when I see Jesus crying and so upset, wanting to give you his kingdom, his Fiat, then I get upset and cry with him, because we both want to see you all living in the Kingdom of the Divine Will. Then you would be happy and it would make Jesus smile. Now, if prayers and tears are not enough, then I will use whatever it takes both with you and with Jesus to make this come about.

So, listen everyone to this little child… do not make me wait any longer! Please tell me, “Yes, Fiat! We all want the Kingdom of the Divine Will.”


Corato (Bari, Italy), año 1924


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